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Blog: VSM Tutorials

The Outstanding JMBogan Redesign!

6.7.2019 / SEO, Website Launch
A Beautifully "Remodeled" Website!

It was just this March 14th, when I answered a call from Ty of JMBogan. It was April of 2006 When I prepared the proposal for the previous version of their site! That site stood nearly unchanged for some 13 years! After a fairly curious conversation with Ty, in which neither of us really knew with whom we were speaking; Ty agreed to entertain a proposal from us. I found later out that Ty is Brandon's wife, Brandon being Michael Bogan's Son! We did not even know Michael had a son, let alone that he was married! Since that conversation, Brandon & Ty have welcomed their son Henry into the world and Henry has attended two meetings with us! They are starting him early!

The resulting new website and design is sensational, and highly functional with the inclusion of Blog, Newsletter, Team Directory and Projects, Categorized to promote their various lines of business. With the great benefit of VSM, Efinityech's Content Management Platform, we have been able to seamlessly roll out the new design and upgrade their previous site with additional functionality and content as it becomes available. Our collaboration with Ty and Brandon has resulted in a smooth process and a dramatically enhanced, redesigned and completely redeveloped site with no interruption of service or visibility! Extremely importantly the great age and traffic of the site and the all important Search Visibility are completely preserved and growing with every addition and update to the site. With the new site established, we are undertaking an SEO Program to elevate the site in desired searches and to ensure high conversion and effectiveness meeting their business objectives.

The rest of the story... As told to us by Brandon. In his newfound role following in his father's footsteps, Brandon went to a business seminar, where one of the workshop exercises was to go around the table and critique everyone's website. Suffice it to say, there was plenty of room for criticism! The site was not mobile, the site design was very dated at 13 years. Most of the information was completely out of date and the photos were far too small and on and on... Brandon came back and immediately set his wife on the job of investigating and exploring opportunities and resources for improving the site.

As we were both the architect and host of the site and most fortunately their email provider, Ty reached out to us to investigate. We were certainly on the chopping block. I was fairly certain that we were losing the business! Fortunately Ty was willing to listen and when she saw our recent work, was willing to entertain a proposal. And very fortunately, she and Brandon decided to hire us for a complete redesign and material enhancement of the site!

The wonderful result of that process being the amazing site you see today! We could not be happier!

In Their Words...

"In the rebranding of our company, rebuilding our website was a must. To find out our website hadn’t been touched in over a decade put in me in a position in which I had no idea who actually built it. In efforts to find someone to take on that job I reached out to Efinitytech because they perform our email services. After meeting with their team and reading a very well put together proposal, I was happy to find out it was in fact Efinitytech who built our original website! As a 2nd generation company, it was great to work with a team who knew what they where doing, and knew how to show us what we wanted. Not only were they timely; you could tell they were getting the job done in the most efficient manner possible.

With all that being said we at JM Bogan Co. are ecstatic to present our new website to our present, and future clientele!”

Please let Aaron and Jared know how much we appreciate you guys as well!"

Ty-Monie Bogan
Project Coordination|Design
JM Bogan Remodeling