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Blog: VSM Tutorials

SEO/SEM's Big Impact on Northwest Outdoor Lighting's Business!

11.9.2018 / SEO

We first met Mary & Craig at the new members luncheon at Master Builders in Bellevue. Since then our relationship has grown extensively with Efinitytech revamping their website twice. We also work with them and and their very talented Social Media Manager Kate, (who happens to be their oldest daughter), to drive even more traffic and business to their website. We report monthly and meet with them every other month to report on Keyword Rankings, Website Traffic Data and various Strategic Website Developments to increase conversions to help grow their business.

This September we were happy to report on several measures that are exceptional!

A quick look at the Year over Year Graph of Website Traffic in Google Analytics shows an exciting 47% growth in Website Visitors!
And, amazingly in August, traffic not only grew 76% compared to last year; it is their highest month ever!
This is particularly fascinating; as August is usually a quieter month for their business. 

To further illustrate the August Boom, there were 52 direct phone calls directly from the site; compared to just 8 in August of 2017!
That is nearly a seven fold increase! Of course, many factors play in that change, nonetheless it is a dramatic increase in the effectiveness of the website.

Furthermore; 48 of their key phrases are on the First Page of Google with 36 of those holding Top Three Positions!

These extraordinary results are due to many factors; certainly first of all; is the excellent work performed by NW Outdoor Lighting. This supported by close collaboration and diligent work with Efinitytech on their website.

Mary & Craig are kind enough to share with us that; "their business has grown exponentially!"

In their Words;

"Efinityyech’s phenomenal SEO has kept us always ranking in the top 3!  I have many clients tell me what a beautiful site I have and how easy it is to reach me.  I appreciate all the tracking that Efinitytech does to show us how our clients are reaching us ie. Email, phone, etc.  The reports they provide each month, guide us in using keywords in our social media postings which has increased our traffic throughout this year!  

Usually the summer days are a little quieter for us since clients are not thinking of lighting when the sun stays up till 10pm.  This summer we were unusually busy and now I know why.  The report that our site had 76% more traffic and 50 more calls in August is solid proof!  
I feel sorry for others when they discuss their websites poor ranking and visibility.  I always rave how fantastic Efinitytech is and has been since the beginning.  Their customer service, performance and knowledge are topnotch!!!"