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October 2013 Newsletter

10.1.2013 / SEO


Thrive Community Fitness

  • Modern, Clean Custom Design
  • Location Specific Content with independent management
  • Database driven structured pages and content for consistent presentation
  • Built with VSM Content Management
  • Mobile Adaptive Design


Efinitytech would like to include your SEO success story in this illustrious list. Not only do we help businesses achieve improved search results and increased traffic; most importantly, we work to make your site deliver increased business.

Barn Pros
20% Monthly growth in overall website traffic since re-launch. 33% growth over 4 most recent months in Organic traffic; an increase of 7,000 monthly visits.

Justin Harries - Business Development 

Woodinville Florist
20% yearly growth in website Sales, largely attributed to the ongoing website work and increase in website traffic. Overall business growth of approximately 13% year over year.

Oriana Hammerstrom – Owner 

Mathues Lumber
“Business is through the roof! We are getting calls from all over the country, where there were none from out of the area before.” Cannot put an attributable number on this, but, “The website is definitely a material part of the growth.” 18% growth in website traffic in 6 months since launching the new site. 

Gary Powell – President/Owner

Toolless Plastics
#1 on Google for most important search terms. 85% of the company business is generated by website leads. 40% growth in website traffic first 5 months of 2013 vs first five months of 2012. 

Brice Benard - Business Manager 

Washington Automated
“Our business is up over well over 100% since working with Efinitytech over the past few years.” 

Jane George – Owner 

Website Traffic up 25% 2013 vs 2012

Erin VerHoeven – Owner

Bed Voyage
15 - 20 fold increase in website sales compared to previous website.
Primarily due to improved website design and infrastructure.

Sharon Stuart – Owner 


Recent named updates to the Google Algorithm and fundamental objectives. One could infer a connection between the names and the objectives of the updates. What do you think?

Panda - Discriminate between original high quality sites versus copied content

Penguin - Devalue Spammy, low quality links and "black hat" SEO practices

Caffeine - Speed up algorithm updating

Hummingbird - Better "understanding" of search, especially verbal, typically longer search phrases on mobile devices

What we notice is a very deliberate effort on Google's part to increase the quality of search results. This is very beneficial to those websites with high quality content and presentation.


Currently we provide our own web traffic statics through VSM. We will be sunsetting this data service at the end of the year in favor of Google Analytics. Google's Analytics is much more comprehensive then our current system and we will be incorporating summary data within VSM. We recommend if you do not have a Google Analytics account, to set one up very soon by going to http://analytics.google.com. If interested please contact us for consulting on Google Analytics and SEO positioning.