

Blog: VSM Tutorials

March 2013 Newsletter

3.1.2013 / Website Launch

Barn Pros - www.barnpros.com

  • Extraordinary, Custom Design
  • High Volume, E-commerce
  • Mobile Adaptive Website Design
  • User Managed; Database Driven
  • VSM Content Management

See more of our portfolio at: www.efinitytech.com


Over the past months we have seen a large increase in spam for some customers. In order to address this issue we decided to invest in an additional level of spam protection. In total; we now have a dedicated spam appliance, spam monitoring on our Mail Server through Mail Enable's filtering system, and new spam software that resides in between the appliance and our Mail Server.

With this new software in place we are now blocking over 13,000 spam messages per day. As with any email filtering, there are some false positives, (unintended blocking of desired email). We have seen a significant reduction in spam with this additional level of filtering. Please keep us informed of any email issues or spam and feel free to let us know if your spam has reduced since the end of February.

Contact us at 360-805-8483, or email support@efinitytech.com


At Efinity Technologies we continue to invest in improving our infrastructure. Sometimes this is in the form of updates, or software enhancements; with VSM, enhancements are a nearly continuous activity. On a regular basis we replace and upgrade the physical hardware, (servers) on which your websites and our services run, especially, VSM.

As of the end of February, we have installed new servers with dramatically increased RAM, more processing power, and faster hard drives. With this new hardware you will see an increase in performance of your website as well as much improved speed of VSM. We have noticed a very significant improvement in our use of VSM and hope that you find it as helpful to you as it is to us.


Microsoft has started actively upgrading IE! Microsoft claims: "Windows 7 users should see a 20 percent increase in performance over IE 9. IE10 on Windows 7 improves performance across the board with faster page loading, faster interactivity, and faster JavaScript performance, while reducing CPU usage and improving battery life on mobile PCs." Not a live update like Chrome or Firefox, Internet Explorer 10 will be installed over IE 9 as part of a windows update. For Windows 8 users, IE 10 is the default browser. 

If yours is a VSM site hosted by Efinitytech, we will update your site code, as needed, to address any rendering issues which may show up in IE 10! Do let us know in an email to:support@efinitytech.com if you encounter any display abnormalities with your site in IE 10.

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