Data Elements: Portfolio2017.aspx
Our Clients come to us from many connections. Dr Alan Kelley is my personal physician! Some years ago, he told me about his trips to of all places, rual South Sudan!
At that time, he needed a better, more dynamic website which was mobile responsive and easy to manage. A perfect fit for Efinitytech!
We continue to suppot and host the MTWW.Net website and provide help updating and with his Newsletters.
Visit Medical Teams Worldwide
- Custom Design
- Mobile Responsive
- Newsletter
- Content Management (efinityCMS)
- Custom Logo Design
In Their Words
The website and support from Efinitytech helps promote my Charity to aid the people of South Sudan with their medical needs which I provide directly along with other team members.
Thank you Efinitytech!
Dr Alan Kelley
Medical Teams World Wide